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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hari Raya 2015 (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum peeps,

     Hi semua, I'm back to Kuantan early than expected to be. Tak jadi beraya di Kedah. I will upload my Raya entry slowly and part by part when I received all the photos, and when I rajin nak menulis hahaha. 

     Alhamdulillah this year Raya is one of the best. Me and my family going back to Pasir Mas on Malam Raya, highway is so quiet, only a few cars left but when we reach Kota Bharu its like having a feast, so crowded and so happening. I loveeeee Kelantan so much. At 2.00 a.m in the morning, Kota Bharu is still jammed, can you imagine that? We reached Pasir Mas about 2.30 in time, and my cousins are still not sleeping and they are all boys. They waited for us at tangga. We have Junaidi (my fav cousin because we grow up together and we are so close), Abang Farid (I love him too, we are close too. He always told me about his girlfriend back then, he loves to ask me for  advice and his girlfriend always so jealous with me, every time she calls Abang Farid, he would give a silent signal to me) Lu, I actually forgot his real name hahaha and Lu is Ju's brother (update: suddenly I remember his name, his real name is Asrul) . And last one is Abe Mea. 

visiting our relatives

pagi raya with cousins. 

the three siblings, from left Naemah, Nurul and Junaidi

     After we finished unloaded luggage, the boys wanted to bakar satay and I had the best moment at that time. Ju is culinary student and dia selalu kena bash dengan mak/pak saudara kalau buat salah sikit hahahaha, jangan memain eh dekat rumah ni kalau buat salah dengan kos yang you ambik kena bash haha. Dia sampai down and rasa macam dia silap ambik kos hahaha I love my cousins. 

      At 3.30 in the morning I still on the outside of the house, companying my cousins to finish all the grilling. And we slept at 4.30. I regret in the morning after that haha. I always do.

I may look slim in this photo but I am not dear friends hahaa

     Will continue my raya story later, bye guys.
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